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1. The Shield(c)(JKV 1998 7 and RaidedxRKO(Filling in for H3L1 R4Z3R BR0) Def. The Usos( A0D0ptimusPrime and WolverineKing17) By DQ for the E.W.E Tag Team Championships!


 Antonio Cesaro(NathanisDanger) Def. Wade Barrett(SWAG SOWER 351), Cody Rhodes(WolverineKing17), Damien Sandow (RaidedxRKO), Dean Ambrose(StealthyxRKO), and Jack Swagger(mookey89) in a Money in the Bank Ladder Match for a World Heavyweight Championship contract!

3. Alberto Del Rio(c)(JKV 1998 7) Def. Dolph Ziggler(A0D0ptimusPrime) by Submission for the World Heavyweight Championship!

4. Rob Van Dam(SWAG SOWER351) Def. CM Punk (A0D0ptimusPrime), Daniel Bryan(mookey89), Randy Orton(JKV 1998 7),  Sheamus(BX K1NG), and Christian(
WolverineKing17) in a Money in the Bank Ladder Match for an E.W.E Championship contract!

5. WolverineKing17 Def. SWAG SOWER351,  A0D0ptimusPrimeNathanisDanger, and JKV 1998 7 in a Battle Royal for the Vacant  EWE United States Championship!

Money In The Bank took place on Sunday July 14 @ 3:00 and was the very first E.W.E Play Per View! This P.P.V was very different from a regular P.P.V, as it was a simulation P.P.V, where most matches on the Card were Matches on the WWE Money In The Bank P.P.V! If any of the match results from our P.P.V actually happend, whoever won those matches would be given a prize! Prize Winners Include: JKV 1998 7 and RaidedxRKO

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